Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sharp Seat

You had better be careful where you hang your barbwire before you sit down.


Anonymous said...

The photograph is nice. The piece of equipment you photographed is really nice, Bill. It looks like a kind of "row maker" that was probably pulled by one horse. And in those days the farmer's wife or kids, or himself if the wife was driving the horse, would follow along with a bag of seed slung over his shoulder, into which he reached his hand and took three or four sees and dropped them into the furrow and then deftly covered them with the other foot making sure to step on it to conpact the soil. That was the way corn, for example was planted, ages ago. And then they came out with a planter that would plant 2, 3, or 4 or more rows at one time and it did the whole thing. Some of the early planters were hooked onto a long piece of wire that had knots every so many feet, and the planter was hooked onto the wire. When a knot hit the machine it tripped the corn that dropped into the hold and a wheel cover it and another packed it down.

Nowadays I don't even know what they use to plant corn but in those days with the wire you could stand anywhere in a cornfield and see a perfect row in any direction. Not just the row you were standing in but left or right or diagonal in any direction.

Those were good fields to hunt rabbits in the wintertime as you could shoot down any direction and still see the rabbit.

We only hunted for the meat for the food not to be a "sportsman."

Nice post. I like the photo a lot.

Annie said...

Hi Bill,

That would be a seat to remember, wouldn't it.

I was talking with a friend about barbwire scars the other day (we both have one or two) so this just continues my memories.

Your lightning photo was fortuitous, wasn't it! Wow.

And I also want to tell you that the homage to your mother, your dignified and beautiful mother, was wonderful.

photowannabe said...

Love this whole picture. A vision of by gone days. I don't want to mess with that barbed wire thank you..

Anonymous said...

Nobody has told me I am a wealth of information, Bill. I just see photos of things and remember how it was when those things were alive or working. The machines are old and rusty and for the most part gone but how this one escaped the scrap metal drives during the war is beyond me.

When you have lived a life like mine and for as long as I have and been married to the same lady for 52 years, well, you have memories of all kinds of things. Five kids come to mind at the moment.

Anyway, thank you for stopping at my blog.

Annie said...

Bill, thanks for telling me of the light show photos on the sidebar. What drama, what excitement. I almost feel like I was standing there in that electric environment.

lv2scpbk said...

There's just something nice about farm equipment out in a field. It's alot of hard work and dedication.

Olivier said...

une tres belle photo. j'aime beaucoup les photos de ces vieux engins dans les champs. bravo

a very beautiful photograph. I like much the photographs of these old machines in the fields. cheer