Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Great Chase

Not far behind the old car is this tractor. My guess is that the man was being chased by the farmer, and both vehicles amazingly broke down at the same point in the chase. Obviously they both jumped out of their vehicles and the chase continued on foot across the dobies, and on to Grand Mesa where they were overcome by the snow or mosquitoes, depending on the season, never to be seen again…….Or perhaps someone just did not want to pay salvage fees……We may never know.

Hey wait, the tractor seems to have rail road wheels. Perhaps the farmer was plowing the tracks when all of the sudden…………..


Janet said...

Interesting photos and quite an interesting imagination!

Anonymous said...

No, actually tractors, steam engines and wagons all had steel wheels. The real wheels on this tractor would have had steel wheels with metal cleats on a diagonal bolted fast. That is just the way they were made and used. And your photo of it brought back a lot of memories.

I posted some code that you might find useful on my post today.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

Kate said...

Yes, a great imagination! I know someone who collects old farm machinery and fortunately for his neighbors he has plenty of parking space on his gentleman's farm. I love the photo--full of character.

Ben Nakagawa said...

Nice photo. I live it and your commentary.

Annie said...

Yippee, great story, Bill.