Wednesday, April 18, 2007

High Sign

There are a number of boat dealers on the western slope, which is rather odd as there are not really all that many lakes…..This is a rather small one, so it is not too unusual, but some of the large boats you see in Grand Junction could never get up to speed without needing to turn around first in most lakes within 200-300 miles. I am impressed with the effort this place went into to build their sign!


photowannabe said...

There is a sign like this one up in Marin County and everytime we would go past it my husband always said to the kids, Must have been a high tide.
Thanks for the silly memory.

Deltoid said...

Hi Bill,

I know this is a late posting, But I was parusing thru your photos after looking @ ol blue, and saw this photo and had to comment, Sam and I call this "Boat on a Stick : ))