Thursday, February 28, 2008
Life Through 9 Year Old Eyes
We found this "Chore Chart" that our 9 year old daughter created. She calls it as she sees it! (Zoom in to read)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Vision Fulfilled
In January of 2005 (Over a year before I moved to Delta), I registered a URL for a vision I had had for years to help out Boy Scouts in the area of selecting and packing the right equipment for their various activities. I had been a Scoutmaster, and spent a good deal of time helping parents and coaching scouts in this area, and that is where I saw the issue.
On August 28, 2006, I posted a shot taken from one of my favorite places to backpack. I did not know it at the time, but it was to become a main element in the vision I had for the Scouts.
Last August, my brother Dan and I started work on the site, and we made quick progress. We pulled in Dick, another scouting friend in Virginia to help us with art work. Earlier this month, we had the idea to draw the banner for the site as opposed to having a photograph, and I immediately recalled the shot you see above. I sent it off to Dick, and he quickly took on the challenge of making a drawing of the photograph to match the other drawings he had been doing for the site. His take on the picture is shown above as well.
Well today all of that has come together, and we published
We have a large list of enhancements already planned, but with version 1.0, you are able to select an activity, a climate, and a season, and get a packing list that is tailored to that combination. I would be interested in your thoughts on the site, would appreciate you forwarding it to any Boy Scouts you might know, and if you want to link to that site that would be great, as we are working on our Google rankings now.
It has been a fun project, and there is more to come, fit in of course between my picture taking time for DDP :)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Early Signs of Spring
Snow is still winning the battle on the mesa, but signs of spring are starting to show up in the valley as farmers begin to prepare the soil for another growing season. The snow pack is around 150% of normal on the mesa, and over 200% in other parts of the state, so it looks like lack of water will not be an issue this year. Now too much water, that could be another story.......
Friday, February 22, 2008
Looking For Green
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Fort Uncompahgre
I have lived in Delta for almost 2 years now, and have seen Fort Uncompahgre near Confluence Park, but we have never stopped in. It was first established in 1826 as a fur trading post, and now is a museum. I see that it is rated as one of the top tours in "Best Places to Take Your Kids in Colorado", so I guess a visit is in order. Get ready kids!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Making it Just So!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Little Guy
Friday, February 15, 2008
Snow Time
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Night Before Valentines Day
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I Don't Know About You
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Keep Your Eye On The Ball
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Heading Home
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Feeling Blue
This was a two day event, and the driver can not swap out dogs on day two. Only dogs who run day one can run day two, so they are marked with spray paint, so the judges can verify who has run. The dogs don't seem to mind. (Zoom in on the shot to see the details.)
Sorry for the washed out shot. Somehow, using mittens with my SLR, I was able to set my exposure to +2 around the time of this shot. It was snowing hard, and the camera only came out for seconds at a time, and I did not realize it untill I got home.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Finish Line
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Get Set & Go!
When they were released, the dogs exploded on to the trail, and the owner was along for the ride. The year before these same teams ran here, but the course went left about 100’ down the trail. This year it went right……. The dogs of the second sled out remembered that, and decided left was the way to go. The owner realized too late, lost the battle, and got to do some snow time. Of course, everyone ran out to help, and comment :)
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
On Your Mark
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Crazy Eyes
Monday, February 04, 2008
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Where the Dogs Run
In the middle of Grand Mesa, in a place known as the no-name parking lot, the dogs gathered, but not before the snow did. Warning, don't eat the yellow snow......
As I write this, the mesa is covered in clouds again today, and I expect that even more snow has fallen over night. But here in Delta, about 20 miles away, there is no snow on the ground at all. The mesa is truly a world on to it's self, and a treasure to this area.
As I write this, the mesa is covered in clouds again today, and I expect that even more snow has fallen over night. But here in Delta, about 20 miles away, there is no snow on the ground at all. The mesa is truly a world on to it's self, and a treasure to this area.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Good Night
Each night our camp was washed by a nearly full moon that got so bright, you really did not need a light to get around. One evening I walked out of camp down into the canyon, and just stood. The pale light all around me on the canyon walls slowly gave way to blackness as the canyon stretched out, and the silence was incredible.
Alas, we soon had to leave this special place and get back to reality, but I hope you have enjoyed my attempt to give you a glimpse of what we saw.
It’s now time to run up on to Grand Mesa to watch dog sledding. Hopefully I will get some good shots.
Friday, February 01, 2008
When People Think of Delta....
Dominating the northern sky is Grand Mesa, a 10,000+ foot flattop mesa that is actually the largest flattop mountain in the world. It gives us a good weather buffer keeping the valley mild, it provides a great view, and is a wonderful place to play. Tomorrow, I am going up there to watch a dog sled race! Look for pics next week.
Today is a theme day (when people think of my city, they think of...) among the City Daily Photo community. This month 135 (it's growing every month!) are participating. Please pay them a visit but keep in mind that not everyone lives on the same time zone.
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