Monday, August 06, 2007

Test Fire

As I mentioned yesterday, the sky in Delta is a show in its self. To demonstrate this, I submit the photo above. I have a 5 year old Canon D60, and I was having issues with the popup flash. Sitting at this computer, I searched the web, and found a site that allowed me to do a self repair. As I was doing this, I was taking test shots, not looking through the viewfinder, or even out the window. When I dumped my IBM Microdrive, this test shot came up of the sky I was ignoring!

The internal flash was stuck open, now it is closed, but not working. The external flash is fine however, so I am good for now. I think I have pushed over 20K shots through this D60, and I fear it is starting to tire. Alas, when it goes, it will be a sad day, but that Canon 5D is looking very interesting………..


Lavenderlady said...

It is sometimes amazing what we find when we really aren't looking. Nice shot.
I wish our cameras would last for ever...I really got used to mine and I am not totally happy with the replacement..maybe I just need to spend some quality time and bond.

photowannabe said...

I am so envious of your Delta skies. They are even gorgeous when you aren't seeking them out.

Annie said...

What a lucky, and beautiful, sky photo.