Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Old Fashion Drive In

In the mood for a hamburger while you sit in your car and enjoy the cool of the night? This Sonic drive in is for you then.


Anonymous said...

In the days of yesteryear, the servers showed up on roller skates. I wonder, do they still do that? Or maybe they now use roller blades. Ahhh... progress.

Olivier said...

surprenant, je prefere quand meme les anciens Drive In.

surprising, I prefer old Drive In.

photowannabe said...

Love the perspective and colors. Not too busy though. We don't have sonics anywhere close enough to get a burger. Guess it will have to be In-N-Out for me.

Victoria said...

I love how you've managed to make something as mundane as a Sonic into something sort of mysterious and beautiful.