Thursday, October 25, 2007

Goodbye Sam

Some 50+ years ago, the young men and women of this country were called to the service of their country as it entered into World War II. Those that made it back home were a special breed, and Sam DeYoung was one of those. He returned to restart his life, and in 1950 was married. He and Emma raised 9 children and have 18 grand children and 12 ½ great grand children. I met Sam a year or so ago when his children got together and remodeled a home for their parents, a testimony to the values they were taught. Over the year, we got to know Sam & Emma, and developed a special place in our heart for them. Sam was always quick with a laugh, and was a man of his word. I can still hear his gravelly voice starting out “Well……” as he pondered the answer to a question he was about to give.

This past Sunday, the Good Lord took Sam back home, and today he was laid to rest at the Veterans Cemetery in Grand Junction. The family asked that I take some pictures, and was honored to do so. I had never been a part of an honor guard ceremony before, and was blessed today to be a part of this ceremony to honor Sam. Men and women who all served their country came together to honor their comrade in a simple but powerful way.

In the crisp fall air of Colorado, gun shots echoed, flags waved briskly, taps sounded in the distance, tears flowed, and red roses were placed on the casket of a special man, a soldier, a husband, a dad, a granddad, a great granddad, and a friend.

Good by Sam, until we meet again.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Roll Me Away

Remember my lawn from October 10th? Well, I got to see it again, and this time it was not so flat!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Look West

Don't forget to look west as evening approaches, as God puts on a good show almost every night.

So this week I was tagged by Rambling Round, Slinger, Jenny, and Chandlermom, so I had better get out my list of 8 random things about my self. Here goes:

  1. I am an Eagle Scout, and so are both of my sons
  2. I was a Scoutmaster
  3. I love to solve complex problems
  4. I was laid off from my job on Tuesday
  5. I bought one of the original Compaq sewing machine style computers when they were new
  6. Fall is my favorite season
  7. I have been a “Born Again“ Christian for 21 years, 2 months, and a few days
  8. I am not prone to worry, even light of item #4, due to item #7

Now I get to go find some of you to tag…………

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Getting Ready for Battle

Back on my April 23 post, I caught this old home while the spring flowers were blooming purple. Now, the colors are a bit different, and the old place is getting ready for another battle with winter.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tree Tops

On the way down from the high country, we came across this wall of aspen trunks, and could not pass up the shot.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Looking Down

It is easy to get caught up with the grandeur of the high country, but sometimes the small things give us pause as well. For instance, had we not stopped, we would not have seen the small skeleton sitting in the water!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

It Looks Cold Up There!

Imogene Pass, the 2nd highest mountain Pass in North America, is also one of the first places in Colorado to see winter.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Canyon Creek

Canyon Creek rushes down to Ouray where it joins the Uncompagre River where it flows North to Delta where it joins with the Gunnison River. The Gunnison continues north to Grand Junction where it joins the Colorado River, and starts it South West Journey through Lake Powell, the Grand Canyon, Lake Mead, and ultimately into the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean. it is a long journey, but it starts in a beautiful place! Did you notice my son Tim also taking a picture of the river?

Friday, October 12, 2007

My New Background Picture

As we drove up Camp Bird Road outside of Ouray, I saw this view, and I knew when I shot this that I had my new background shot. This area had not peaked yet, but the shades of green and yellow were a joy to look at.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Driving Into The Storm

It was a typical fall day as we drove south from Delta to Ouray for the day. Strom clouds were everywhere, but we seemed to be traveling in a little patch of sunshine.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Our Lawn (Maybe)

At least it should be, once they cut it, roll it up, deliver it, I pay for it, I install it, and I water it.......

Zoom in and note the mountains in the background. Starting tomorrow, I will take you on a trip we made down there last weekend.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A Few Yards Short

But alas, with less than forty seconds to go, down by 31 points, and 3rd & 9, this effort would go down as a loss. But hey, it was better than the 49 to 0 loss the week before, and it was fun to get together with friends on a beautiful Friday night under the lights.

Monday, October 08, 2007

The Band Did Their Best

The band did their best to urge the players and the crowd on.......

Sunday, October 07, 2007

They Played Hard

The team fought their opponents hard.....

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Balloons filled the sky as the National Anthem finished, and no reports of downed aircraft were heard.....

Friday, October 05, 2007

Friday Night Lights

Excitement built as the Delta Panthers took the field tonight for the Homecoming football game. The field was ready and looking good under the bright lights, the stands were full, and the town was excited……..

Monday, October 01, 2007

More Color

Fall hit the east side of the continental divide a couple of weeks ago, and now the high country of Grand Mesa is following its lead.