Some 50+ years ago, the young men and women of this country were called to the service of their country as it entered into World War II. Those that made it back home were a special breed, and Sam DeYoung was one of those. He returned to restart his life, and in 1950 was married. He and Emma raised 9 children and have 18 grand children and 12 ½ great grand children. I met Sam a year or so ago when his children got together and remodeled a home for their parents, a testimony to the values they were taught. Over the year, we got to know Sam & Emma, and developed a special place in our heart for them. Sam was always quick with a laugh, and was a man of his word. I can still hear his gravelly voice starting out “Well……” as he pondered the answer to a question he was about to give.
This past Sunday, the Good Lord took Sam back home, and today he was laid to rest at the
In the crisp fall air of Colorado, gun shots echoed, flags waved briskly, taps sounded in the distance, tears flowed, and red roses were placed on the casket of a special man, a soldier, a husband, a dad, a granddad, a great granddad, and a friend.
Good by Sam, until we meet again.